Donally's Doll House and Toy Museum is the result of a decades long dream of Valerie Donally, to share my collections with others so that they may see and enjoy some of the rare and hard-to-find pieces that I have collected over the many years. I had just bought a beautiful, mint 14" Sweet Sue Sophisticate, and got a good deal on her too, but for some reason that day, when I put her on the shelf, I felt no excitement about adding her to my collection. I thought it was a shame that she would sit there on a shelf and not be seen by others. Shortly, after that, I woke up one morning knowing that I had to create a virtual doll museum, so that I could share my collection with others.
Over the next few years, I would attempt to create a virtual doll museum and some of you may be familiar with The Dolls We Love, but I could never build that site as I dreamed it should be. To help improve the site, I enrolled in the photography program at my local community college, which led to a new passion for toy photography. Many of my toy photos have even won awards, including best of show, at the local county fair.
Of course, photographing toys means that you also amass a huge selection of fun action figures and Lego minifigures along the way. So now, the museum, will also be home to an ever-growing collection of action figures and an even larger collection of completed Lego sets, and other toys, as well as the dolls.
In addition to my own doll and toy collections, the museum will also feature the many dolls and toys from the collection of my mom, Donna Donally. Over the last decade or so she has amassed the cedion the dolls and accessories of the Magic Attic Club collection and we are proud to be able to share the collection that is about 95% complete, including rare and hard to find items from the 1994 test market catalog, convention dolls, and other hard to find items with all of you.
Now, after all my hard work, I am pleased to be able to finally share Donally's Doll House and Toy Museum with all of you. Happy browsing.
Donally's Doll House and Toy Museum is a proud member of:
The American Alliance of Museums, and The Michigan Museums Association